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Alumnae Gym Closed Due to Water Leak

The building will remain closed while undergoing repairs. Check back here for updates.

Libraries Closed on Sunday, February 16

Due to inclement weather,  Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer Libraries will be closed on 2/16. Alumnae Gymnasium continues to be closed for repairs.

Oral Histories Online

Smith Digital Collections

lock, restricted access Access to some of the Smith Digital Collections is limited to the Smith College community because of copyright and licensing restrictions. The lock icon indicates limited access. Read more...

Alumnae Oral History ProjectAlumnae Oral History Project

Interviews with alumnae returning for Reunion week since May 2010. In these videotaped oral histories, alumnae recall memories of their years at Smith, from Opening Convocation and Friday teas, to life-changing Junior Year Abroad events and Senior year reality-checks.


Asian American Reproductive Justice Oral History ProjectAsian American Reproductive Justice Oral History Project

Audio recordings and complete transcripts of fourteen interviews conducted by Juhee Kwon in 2013-14 with Asian American women who have been active in the Reproductive Justice movement since the 1980s. Kwon conducted these interviews as a student at Brown University.


Documenting Lesbian Lives Oral History ProjectDocumenting Lesbian Lives: Oral History Project lock, restricted access

Video and complete transcripts of interviews with women conducted by Smith College students from 2011 to the present. Narrators come from a variety of class, ethnic, racial, social and geographic backgrounds and identify either as lesbian, bisexual, woman-identified-woman, queer or prefer not to identify with sexuality categories.


Population and Reproductive Health Oral History ProjectPopulation and Reproductive Health Oral History Project

Full transcripts of over forty interviews with pioneers in the birth control movement, population planning and reproductive health field throughout the world from the 1960s to the present. The collection reflects the voices and perspectives of advocates, communication specialists, lawyers, managers, physicians, researchers, social workers and others.


Voices of Feminism Oral History ProjectVoices of Feminism Oral History Project lock, restricted access

Over fifty in-depth video interviews documenting the persistence and diversity of organizing for women in the later 20th century. Includes labor, peace and anti-racism activists; artists and writers; lesbian rights advocates; grassroots anti-violence and anti-poverty organizers; and women of color reproductive justice leaders.