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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

College Archives

Smith Digital Collections

lock, restricted access Access to some of the Smith Digital Collections is limited to the Smith College community because of copyright and licensing restrictions. The lock icon indicates limited access. Read more...

portrait of Sophia Smith"A Perennial Blessing": Celebrating Sophia Smith [Internet Archive]

An online exhibition documents what is known about Sophia Smith -- her life, her times and her continuing legacy -- based on contemporary sources and original materials in the archival collections at Smith College. Adapted from an exhibit prepared by College Archivist Margery Sly and Jacque Bradley '97 on view in the Smith College Archives from January to August 1996.


Alumnae Oral History ProjectAlumnae Oral History Project

Interviews with alumnae returning for Reunion week since May 2010. In these videotaped oral histories, alumnae recall memories of their years at Smith, from Opening Convocation and Friday teas, to life-changing Junior Year Abroad events and Senior year reality-checks.


Front page of The SophianCoeducation at Smith College, 1967-1994 [Internet Archive]

Twenty-three articles selected from the Smith College Alumnae Quarterly and The Sophian (student newspaper) on the issue of coeducation at Smith from 1967-1994.


Image of students skiing from the College ArchivesCollege Archives Image Gallery

This gallery was designed to provide a visual orientation to the major research strengths of the College Archives including: administration, academic life, student life outside the classroom, landscape and architecture and women’s war work.


Loretta RossLoretta Ross: Activist-in-Residence Workshops lock, restricted access

Loretta Ross is a grassroots organizer, leader of national and international movements for racial and economic justice and women's rights. Three workshops are given by the Activist-in-Residence, February 2013.


Postcard of Paradise Pond from the College ArchivesPostcard Collection [ca.1900-1995] [Internet Archive]

A selection of over 800 unique postcards depicting Smith College campus buildings, interiors and events as well as views of the greater Northampton area, ca.1900-1995.


Photo of Senda Berenson from the College ArchivesSenda Berenson Papers [Internet Archive]

Senda Berenson Abbott (1868-1954), as Director of the Gymnasium and Instructor of Physical Culture at Smith College, organized the first women's college basketball game. Berenson also instituted an effective program of Swedish gymnastics and organized athletic contests, to build character in her female students.


Detail of Smith College founding documentSmith College Key Founding Documents [Internet Archive]

Includes: founding documents; Sophia Smith's Wills; Articles of Incorporation; journal of Sophia Smith; John M. Greene Papers (1856-1958). Part of Five College Archives Digital Access Project.


Stained glass window Smith CollegeSmith College Opening and Early History [Internet Archive]

Includes Inauguration of President L. Clark Seelye, 1875; College Seal and Colors; Newspaper articles, 1872-1875; Writings about Smith College, 1873-1922; Smith College Annual Circulars, 1872-1909; William Allan Neilson. "Smith College: The First Seventy Years."; Office of the President. Annual Reports, 1875-1910; Laurenus Clark Seelye Papers. Part of Five College Archives Digital Access Project.