Study Spaces
The Smith College Libraries offer a variety of study spaces, from individual pods and carrels to large study tables. Most spaces listed on this page are available to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a space for study, see Reservable Spaces.
Individual Study Spaces
Most library study carrels are available to all users for individual study and cannot be reserved; see Hillyer Art Library Carrel Policy to learn about semester-long Hillyer carrel reservations.
Alumnae Gymnasium
- Study pods and soft seating- 1st floor
- Soft seating - 3rd floor
- Alumnae Gymnasium is open 24 hours for study.
Hillyer Library
- Soft seating - 1st floor
- Study Carrels - 1st and 2nd floors
Josten Library
- Soft seating - 1st floor and Mezzanine
- Listening Rooms (when not otherwise in use)
Neilson Library
- Soft seating - all floors
- Study carrels - ground floor Courtyard, 2nd floor North Wing study space and 3rd floor North Wing study space
- Neilson 302 Reading Room
- Neilson 401 Skyline Reading Room and Terrace
Quiet Study Spaces
Neilson Library
- ground floor stacks carrels (Neilson 015)
- 2nd floor north wing study area (Neilson 210)
- 3rd floor north wing study area (Neilson 310)
- 3rd floor collaboration rooms (Neilson 310B, 310C)
- 3rd floor Lane reading room (Neilson 302)
Hillyer Art Library
- 2nd floor
Group Study Spaces
Locations with Large Study Tables
- Alumnae Gymnasium 3rd floor(open 24 hours)
- Josten 1st floor
- Josten J133 Listening Room (when not otherwise in use)
- Josten J131 Rare Book Room(when not otherwise in use)
- Josten Mezzanine
- Hillyer 1st floor
- Neilson ground floor Digital Media Hub
- Neilson 1st floor Compass cafe
- Neilson 102 Browsing Room
- Neilson 2nd floor North Wing study space
- Neilson 3rd floor North Wing study space
- Neilson 302 Reading Room
- Neilson 401 Skyline Reading Room and Terrace
Small Group Study Rooms
These rooms hold 3 or more people and are available for use by students, faculty and staff. Group study spaces are available to all users for group study on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot currently be reserved.
- Neilson 010A - capacity: 4 people
- Neilson 301E - capacity: 3 people
- Neilson 301F - capacity: 4 people
- Neilson 310B - capacity: 5 people
- Neilson 310C - capacity: 8 people (Please do not bring any peanuts, nuts, or products containing nuts into this space.)
Reservable Spaces
The Smith College Libraries offer a number of reservable spaces, including small collaboration rooms, seminar rooms, classrooms, and more. Neilson Library spaces have been designed to be flexible and used for different purposes throughout the day.
For more information, or to reserve a space, see Reservable Study Spaces.