College Publications
Smith Digital Collections
Class Books of Smith College
Class books from 1894-1933 documenting the students and faculty of Smith College. [Internet Archive]
Smith Alumnae Quarterly Digital Archive
The Smith Alumnae Quarterly is sent to alumnae and exists to report on matters relating to Smith College and to provide a forum for alumnae comment. The SAQ was established in 1909 and is published by College Relations four times each year: September, December, March and June.
Smith College Curriculum Catalogue
Catalog of courses and additional key information for student reference, including campus life, financial information and academic programs. Currently known as the Smith College Bulletin, the archive includes catalogs from 1872-2012. [Internet Archive]
Smith College Monthly
Select issues of the Smith College Monthly from 1904-1925. The Monthly was ”conducted by the Senior Class.” It initially combined the functions of a literary journal, college newspaper, and alumnae magazine, but became purely literary when the Quarterly and the Weekly went into publication (ca. 1909). It features fiction, essays and poetry by students. [Internet Archive]
Smith Today
A list of current Smith college news and publications including some back issues.
Smith College Video Library
A list of videos by and about Smith College.