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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Please use main entrance only to enter the building.

Hours for Spring Break

The Libraries hours are reduced for spring recess, March 14-23. For details, see Hours

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Donating Oral Histories

Smith College Special Collections

Oral History Policies

Smith College Special Collections (including the Sophia Smith Collection of Women’s History, Smith College Archives, and Mortimer Rare Book Collection) may collect the products of oral history projects that align with their collecting policies and meet the following conditions. Oral historians considering a project whose products they wish to donate to the Smith College Special Collections are urged to contact the collection stewards well in advance of such a project to ensure it will meet all criteria.

Oral histories produced by Smith College students must have been overseen by a faculty or staff member who acts as the legal donor of the oral histories to Special Collections.

Submission Package

Oral histories must be donated as a completed project consisting of:

  • interviewer- and narrator-completed copies of the Smith Special Collections oral history deed of gift;
  • finalized, narrator-approved transcripts;
  • video or audio recordings which may be made available for research immediately or at a predetermined date in the future, as determined in the deed of gift;
  • redacted transcripts and edited recordings which can be made available to researchers, in cases where the narrator has requested that specific portions be restricted for a period of time;
  • a preferred pseudonym, if the narrator has requested use of one;
  • a brief (50-200 word) biographical summary of each narrator and interviewer;
  • a description of the date and place of each oral history interview;
  • a 200-500 word project description; and
  • a completed oral history checklist verifying the presence of all needed materials.

Donors of oral histories will be required to submit all of these products as a complete, finalized package; Special Collections cannot be responsible for obtaining release forms, temporarily storing digital files, redacting interviews, or managing unapproved transcripts. Oral history donors are urged to research best practices and ethical considerations for the creation and management of oral history projects prior to beginning a project.

Smith Special Collections prefers to receive documents and recordings in the format in which they were created – therefore, digital transcripts and recordings should be donated as digital files. Please contact Special Collections for information about our currently-preferred formats for digital files, or with any questions about this policy.

Conditions Governing Access

Because oral histories often discuss vulnerable information about a narrator, the narrator should be empowered to impose temporary restrictions on access to protect their own privacy or interests within the framework provided by the Smith College Special Collections oral history release form.

A narrator may choose to use a pseudonym or otherwise anonymize their oral history interview. However, it is the responsibility of the oral history project coordinator to fulfill this obligation before transferring it to the archives.

Smith College Special Collections will not perform redaction or anonymization work on the project’s behalf. Smith College Special Collections will not accept oral histories that are closed permanently or indefinitely.

Third Parties

Like all archival materials, oral histories often discuss third parties. Narrators, interviewers and project coordinators should be sensitive to the interests of third parties and set conditions governing access to oral histories appropriately.