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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Please use main entrance only to enter the building.

Hours for Spring Break

The Libraries hours are reduced for spring recess, March 14-23. For details, see Hours

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Getting a Library Card

Smith College Students, Faculty & Staff

Current Smith students, faculty and staff, as well as retired faculty and staff use their Smith OneCard to borrow materials from the Libraries.

Five College Borrowers

Current Five College students, faculty and staff use their ID from their home institution to borrow materials from the Smith College Libraries.

Smith College Affiliates

Smith College affiliates, including alumnae and spouses, partners and dependents of Smith employees, use their Smith OneCard to borrow materials. See Smith OneCard Services for information on obtaining a OneCard. 

High school students and auditors enrolled in a Smith course, Learning in Retirement students, and Williams College patrons may obtain a Smith Library card at the Central Service Point in Neilson Library, ground floor. 

Non-Affiliated Area Residents

Area Residents of Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Counties, 18 years or older, may purchase limited borrowing privileges from the Smith College Libraries.

A purchased library card is valid for borrowing circulating items from Neilson Library and Smith-owned circulating items from the Five College Library Annex. Items cannot be borrowed from Hillyer Art or Josten Performing Arts libraries. See "Area Residents" under Loan Periods for more information about what can be borrowed and for how long.

Register for a library card in person at the Central Service Point in Neilson Library, ground floor.

  • Picture ID and additional proof of address (such as a piece of mail or a utility bill) are required for proof of residency.
  • Annual fee of $30 payable by cash or check can be made out to Smith College.
  • Card is valid for one year and may be renewed as long as the patron still resides in Hampshire, Hampden or Franklin Counties.

Onsite use of library materials and resources is available without purchasing a card at all Smith College Libraries including Hillyer and Josten. See Services for Visiting Researchers for more information.

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Neilson Library


Hillyer Art Library


Josten Performing Arts Library
