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Alumnae Gym Closed Due to Water Leak

The building will remain closed while undergoing repairs. Check back here for updates.

Libraries Closed on Sunday, February 16

Due to inclement weather,  Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer Libraries will be closed on 2/16. Alumnae Gymnasium continues to be closed for repairs.

Computers in the Digital Media Hub Neilson Library

Computer Use Policy

Computers in the Libraries are available for academic work by Smith students, faculty, and staff, and Five College students enrolled in classes at Smith. The Libraries follow the college’s policy for Acceptable Use of Computer Resources.

Library computers provide access to online content including journals and databases licensed by Smith and an extensive suite of campus software and tools.

Workstations & Equipment

Computer Workstations

  • Mac and Windows workstations are available to users with current Smith network logins in Neilson Library, Hillyer Library, and Josten Library. Workstations in Alumnae Gymnasium are available when not in use by a class, workshop, or event.

Media Production

Equipment Loans

  • Mac and Windows laptops, as well as numerous technology accessories are available for loan to Smith students, faculty, and staff in Neilson Library.
  • See Equipment Loans for more information.

Computer Access for Five College Students

Computers designated for Smith College users require a current Smith network login. Five College students who are registered for Smith classes receive an initial email when they first register. If they’re unable to find this information, they should contact the IT Service Center by emailing

Five College users (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and UMass Amherst), Smith College alumnae, and unaffiliated researchers may use Discovery Stations in Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer libraries, which allow for catalog searches only.

Wireless & Network Access

The Smith College Libraries support wireless internet access in all locations.

Users connected to Smith WiFi can access most electronic resources without the need for a Smith login.


Smith College users and guests: Use Connect2Smith, Smith's local wireless network, for easy access to the Smith network. Available for Smith users, guests and community members.

  • Select the Connect2Smith wireless network.
  • When prompted for a password enter: sophiasmith


Smith College users: If you expect to travel within the Five College community or other institutions that use eduroam, ITS highly recommends setting up eduroam before you travel. Please see Connecting to Eduroam (Smith ITS)

Five College users and visitors from eduroam participating institutions: If you are a visitor from a participating eduroam institution, you may connect to the eduroam wireless network at Smith if you have first connected to eduroam at your home institution. If you haven't first connected to eduroam at your home institution, you may use the Connect2Smith wireless network.


See Wireless Networks (Smith ITS) for more information.

Smith users should call the ITS Service Center at 413-585-4487.