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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Please use main entrance only to enter the building.

Hours for Spring Break

The Libraries hours are reduced for spring recess, March 14-23. For details, see Hours

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Neilson Library first floor service desk

Services for Visiting Researchers

The Smith College Libraries welcome researchers who are not affiliated with Smith or the Five Colleges. Neilson Library is the central campus library and home to Special Collections.

Access Library Resources

Visitors may use library materials onsite at Neilson Library, Hillyer Art Library, and Josten Performing Arts Library. Some books and print journals are housed off-campus in the Five College Library Annex and are designated in the online library catalog with the location SC Annex Stacks. They can be requested for delivery to Neilson Library.

Borrow Books

  • Residents of Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Counties, 18 years or older, may purchase limited borrowing privileges of Smith circulating materials. See Getting a Library Card.
  • Use Discover Advanced to request items for pick up at Neilson Library. Click on the “Place Request” button in the catalog record and login using your with your purchased library ID. There will be daily deliveries (Monday-Friday) and you will be notified when the item is ready for pick up.

Request Books from SC Annex Stacks

  • Library card holders may request materials from the SC Annex Stacks through Discover Advanced for delivery to Neilson Library. 
  • If you do not have a library card and wish to consult an item on campus from the SC Annex Stacks, contact the Neilson Library Central Service Point at and provide the item’s information. You will be notified via email when the item arrives at Neilson Library for on-campus use. Please allow for up to three business days for the item to arrive.

  • Visitors can access most library databases, ebooks and online resources on campus at any library location using their own devices and Smith’s guest wireless network. See Computers & WiFi.
  • Vendor/publisher licensing restrictions apply to some content. If you are unable to access the Smith-only content you need, please request it through Interlibrary Loan at your home institution.
  • Computers in the Smith College Libraries are reserved for those affiliated with the Smith College community.

Smith College Special Collections -- the College Archives, the Mortimer Rare Book Collection and the Sophia Smith Collection -- are located in Neilson Library. Visitor may access materials in the Special Collections Reading Room on the 3rd floor of Neilson. Appointments are encouraged at least 24 hours in advance. See Visit Special Collections for more information.

Using the Libraries

Getting a Library Card

Get a Smith-affiliated library borrowing card or purchase an area resident library borrowing card.

Placeholder Image

Spaces & Technology

Locations, technology, and spaces in the Smith College Libraries including quiet study, group study, and reservable spaces.

Neilson Library study space, student at blue table

Computers & WiFi

Computers available to use or borrow, and how to connect to the wireless network.

Computers in the Digital Media Hub Neilson Library

Print, Copy, Scan Services

Print and copy services require the purchase of a print/copy card while scanning services are available free of charge.

Visit the Libraries

Libraries’ Hours

Hours for Neilson Library, Hillyer Art Library, Josten Performing Arts Library, and Alumnae Gymnasium.

Neilson Library Digital Media Hub, ground floor


Information for users with disabilities about collections, study spaces, and technology.

Neilson Library, first floor Learning Commons


Community Behavior Guidelines

The Smith College Libraries, with a mission to foster a comfortable, safe, and inclusive environment that nurtures academic excellence and personal growth, relies on our community to respect the guidelines for library use. These guidelines include, but are not limited to:

  • Leaving at closing time
  • Respecting noise levels in designated zones:
    • Neilson Library - Quiet and collaborative study spaces reserved for low, brief conversation
      • ground floor stacks carrels (Neilson 015)
      • 2nd floor north wing study area (Neilson 210)
      • 3rd floor north wing study area (Neilson 310)
      • 3rd floor collaboration rooms (Neilson 310B, 310C)
      • 3rd floor Lane reading room (Neilson 302)
    • Hillyer Library and Josten Library have variable noise levels
  • Refraining from verbal abuse or harassment
  • Keeping an eye on one’s personal belongings

The following are examples of behaviors that are either illegal or not allowed by college policy:

  • Smoking or vaping in or within 20 feet of the building (includes all forms of e-cigarettes)
  • Using controlled substances that are illegal or prohibited by College policy (including alcohol unless it is part of an approved college event)
  • Damaging library property, including books and computers
  • Stealing library materials
  • Exhibitionism
  • Ignoring the college’s policy on animals in public spaces (except service animals and service animals in training)
  • Posting flyers, drawings, banners, or displays of content of any kind outside of college-designated areas 
  • Tabling to distribute or sell materials in the library without prior authorization from the college

Depending on the nature of the infraction, staff response may range from a verbal warning to removal from the building. Community members could also be trespassed from the college. 

Anyone experiencing or witnessing a medical or safety emergency should immediately report it to Smith College Campus Safety by calling (413) 585-5555 before notifying library staff. Non-urgent concerns related to library space can be reported directly to available library staff.

Computer Use

Computers in the Libraries are available for academic work by Smith students, faculty, and staff, and Five College students enrolled in classes at Smith. The Libraries follow the college’s policy for Acceptable Use of Computer Resources.

Library computers provide access to online content including journals and databases licensed by Smith and an extensive suite of campus software and tools.

Weather & Power Outages

Smith College Libraries follow the College’s policy for foul weather for non-essential services. The Libraries close when the College closes, and follow the college policy for delayed openings and early closings. It is possible that the Libraries will close at times when the College is not officially closed, such as when there is inclement weather on a weekend.

In the event of a power outage, the Library Director or college administration will close the Libraries. The Libraries will not be open if there is a power outage during the day or evening.

Service Animals & Pets

No pets are allowed inside any library buildings in accordance with the Campus Pet Policy.

Note: This prohibition does not apply to individuals accompanied by seeing eye dogs or other trained, assisting animals. See the Service Animal Policy for more information.




Neilson Library


Hillyer Art Library


Josten Performing Arts Library


Special Collections
