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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Support the Libraries

Smith students and faculty thrive on the exceptional library resources and services that lie at the heart of the Smith experience. Join the hundreds of alumnae and other supporters who help maintain the excellence of Smith’s libraries through philanthropy. Below are ways you can support the Libraries.

Financial Donations

Donate online

Select a dollar amount, then choose one of the following funds:

  • Friends of the Libraries Membership - Provides annual support for the Libraries and underwrites many initiatives that improve the quality of services and resources provided to students and faculty. For more information, see Friends of the Smith College Libraries.
  • Dean of Libraries Innovation Fund - Helps the Libraries respond nimbly to new technologies, evolving curricula and service models.
  • Special Collections Fund - Smith College Special Collections is actively seeking programmatic support. To explore unique funding opportunities for Smith College Special Collections development priorities see Support Special Collections.
  • Friends of the Libraries Endowed Fund - Helps preserve the long term vitality of the Libraries.
  • Special Instructions - Enter the fund of your choice and any other instructions relevant to your gift.

Note: If you would prefer to send a check, please make it out to Smith College with the name of the fund on the memo line and mail it to: Smith College Gift Accounting Office, 76 Elm Street, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063. Gifts of securities may be made by calling 800-526-2023. Direct queries about library gifts to Mary Irwin, Library Development Officer, 413-585- 2903 or

Matching Gifts

With matching gifts, it is possible to double, triple, or even quadruple your impact. Find out here if your company matches employee charitable contributions.

Endowed Support

Library endowments provide a steady stream of income that protects the Smith Libraries in variable economic times. Library endowments provide critical funds as well as honor Smith alumnae and friends. To learn about specific library needs and how to create an endowment contact the Libraries Development Officer, Mary Irwin,

Planned Giving

Planned gifts can be of enormous benefit by ensuring the future well-being of the Libraries with built-in benefits for you and your family. Smith College planned givingstaff will be pleased to provide you with information about and support in making a bequest, charitable gift annuity, or charitable trust.

Gifts of Materials

General Collections

The Libraries are not able to accept gifts or donations for the general collections at this time.

Faculty and students interested in making requests or suggestions for purchase may consult the information on ordering library materials.

Special Collections

If you are considering a gift of materials to Special Collections, please review the Collection Development Strategy prior to contacting the appropriate curator below:

Special Collections Repository Contact Email Phone
College Archives Nanci Young  413-585-2976
Mortimer Rare Book Collection TBD  413-585-2970
Sophia Smith Collection of Women’s History Mariana Brandman  413-585-2981

Alternative Destinations for Your Gift

If the Smith College Libraries decline your gift, here are some suggestions for selling or donating your materials:

Tax Benefit

All gifts to the Smith College Libraries are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

Tax Information for Donors of Materials

Upon request, Smith College Libraries will provide a written acknowledgment to verify donations. For information about tax treatment of your donation, please consult with a qualified tax professional or the Internal Revenue Service.

To find an appraiser consult one of these resources: