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What am I reading in ScholarWorks? November 2024


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Published November 22, 2024

Michael Barresi, Professor of Biological Sciences
Michael Barresi, Professor of Biological Sciences

This month I was drawn in by a word—pluripotency. A marvelous word! Pluripotency means the potential to become any cell type. A cell that is able to develop into many cell types is pluripotent. "Pluripotency of a Founding Field: Rebranding Developmental Biology” has many authors, Smith College’s Professor Michael Barresi being one, but is able to exude a singular joy of the subject—as evidenced by the clever title of the paper. It is also a thoughtful examination and collaborative project to understand a “decline in prominence” of developmental biology as a field of study. The discussion of how to improve scientific communication feels ever more pressing these days, I appreciate the effort of the authors to situate their work into the wider world. Thinking through better ways to connect, include, and communicate applies to us all. This article models a coherent plan for a specific field, but also evinces the larger ‘why.’ Foundations needn’t be made of stone, their potency benefits from flexibility, responsiveness, and good communication from which the pluripotency can then flourish.

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Jessica Ryan, Scholarly Communications Librarian

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