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What am I reading in ScholarWorks?


March 3-7, 2025

ScholarWorks file sharing graphic

Published February 28, 2025

March 3-7 is Open Education Week! Open Education Week is a global celebration in which to share and champion open education.

What is open education? Resources, practices, or tools that are available without financial, legal, or technical barriers.

Why is open education important? As SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) concisely states the case: “Education is essential to advancing society. It’s how we pass down the wealth of human knowledge and equip the next generation of leaders, innovators, and citizens.”

So how we choose to share research and knowledge matters. To that end, let’s celebrate Smith's newest contribution to Open Ed with Professor Will Raven’s Atomic Physics for Everyone: An Introduction to Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Precision Spectroscopy with No College-Level Prerequisites.

Because it’s an Open Educational Resource (OER), Atomic Physics for Everyone, really does mean everyone. Enjoy!

What is ScholarWorks?

Smith ScholarWorks is Smith’s institutional repository of digital scholarship and research materials created and curated by faculty, students, and staff at Smith College. Browse by collections, disciplines, and authors.

Jessica Ryan, Scholarly Communications Librarian

Meet Jessica Ryan, Scholarly Communications Librarian

Jessica Ryan AC ’17 provides outreach, acquisition, dissemination and metadata activities for Smith ScholarWorks. She is an enthusiastic advocate for the larger ScholarWorks’ mission, helping scholarly communities flourish through open access, quick discovery, and wide dissemination of scholarly and creative content.

Contact Jessica with your questions about ScholarWorks at

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