Equipment Loans from the Libraries

Published February 24, 2025
Did you know that Smith students can checkout equipment at the Central Service Point in Neilson Library, ground floor? A full range of equipment is available including:
Media Production
- DSLR Cameras and Video Recorders
- Lenses and Tripods
- Lighting Equipment
- Audio Recorders and Microphones
- Projectors, Projection Screens, and Presentation Remotes
- Webcams, Conference Speakers, and Ring Lights
- Headphones
- Smart Phone Kits
Computers & Office Equipment
- Mac & PC Laptops
- Wacom Graphics Drawing Tablets
- Apple SuperDrives and Blu-Ray Players
- 1 TB Portable Hard Drives
- Laptop, Phone, and iPad Chargers
- Adapters
- Calculators and Scientific Instruments
Some items including laptop chargers, headphones, media players and calculators are also available in Hillyer and Josten libraries. For more information and a complete list of equipment, see Equipment Loans.
Laptops and digital media equipment can be loaned during the Neilson CSP ITS Help Desk open hours.
Laptop chargers, headphones, media players and calculators can be loaned during all open hours.
See Libraries’ Hours for details.