Archives Concentration Capstone Seminar Projects

Published April 26, 2019
Capstone projects will be on exhibit, Monday, April 29 from 4-6 p.m., Green Room (T114), Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts.
In the capstone seminar for the Archives Concentration, ARX 340 Taking the Archives Public, students explored contemporary issues at the intersection of archives and public history and heritage work by creating online, digital exhibits. Public history projects range in topics from Dyke TV, Women’s Sports, Girl’s Summer Camps, the Latin American Student Organization at Smith College, 19th century aprons, and letters by Sylvia Plath. The exhibitions draw upon collections including the Historic Clothing Collection, Women’s History Archives, Mortimer Rare Book Collection, and Smith College Archives.
Digital Capstone Projects
Dyke TV Guide
Sydney Reyes Beattie, ‘19, Spanish
Cycling Skirts, Woolen Shirts: Early 20th Century Women’s Sports
Jessica Flohr, ‘19, Government
Build a Campfire, Build a Nation: American Identity, Gender & Native Imagery in Girl’s Summer Camps
Linda Moynahan, ‘19, American Studies
The Archiving of LASO Project
Daisy Paez, ‘19, Portuguese-Brazilian Studies
The Apron: A Symbol of Domesticity & Class Status in the 19th Century
Allison Smith, ‘19, History
Plurality of Plaths: Correspondences between Sylvia Plath and her therapist, Ruth Beuscher, 1960-1963
Julia Smith, ‘19, English Language & Literature
Haunted Looking: Video Game Based on the Joan E. Biren Papers
Becca Tibbitts, ‘19, History
Travis Grandy
Esther Roth-Katz
Mario Valdebenito Rodas