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Shaun Trujillo

Digital Preservation Archivist

Shaun Trujillo


Neilson Library 106

Shaun (he/him) leads a new program tasked with linking and preserving the College's digital holdings and output, supporting their longstanding value through meaningful management and upkeep over time. He will implement an enterprise level preservation platform to tailor asset management workflows and provide administration for these unique digital assets. His work builds off of the insights gained from previous initiatives at Smith, namely the Stronger Together planning and governance grant and the Access to Collections (A2C) Project, and relies on strategizing and consulting with departments across the Libraries and College to develop a shared infrastructure for maintaining, discovering, and accessing the digital heritage of Smith campus collections.

Shaun's multitude of hobbies are in a constant competition for time and attention, though he inevitably returns to drawing and writing poetry/fiction. He loves indie comics, zines, and games. Shaun's favorite place to be is out walking in the woods or reading in a cozy corner somewhere.

Research & Professional Interests

Building digital collections and improving access to unique manuscript material online, making sense of large corpora of born-digital material with the help of digital forensics tools, learning from enthusiast communities and citizen archivists to help fill in the gaps in our shared digital heritage.

Publications & Presentations

Greenberg, Jane, Shaun Trujillo, and Ketan Mayer-Patel. “YouTube: Applying FRBR and Exploring the Multiple Description Coding Compression Model.” In The FRBR Family of Conceptual Models. Routledge, 2013.

Trujillo, Shaun. “Living Legacies: Recovering Data from 5¼” Floppy Disk Storage Media for the Commodore 64,” March 6, 2013.

Trujillo, Shaun, Meghan Bergin, Margaret Jessup, Johanna Radding, and Sarah Walden McGowan. “Archivematica Outside the Box: Piloting a Common Approach to Digital Preservation at the Five College Libraries.” Digital Library Perspectives 33, no. 2 (January 1, 2017): 117–27.

McGonagill, Evan, Eric Pumroy, Michael Tedeschi, LaNeshe Miller-White, Martha Tenney, Shaun Trujillo, and Joanna DiPasquale. “College Women: Documenting the Student Experience at the Seven Sisters Colleges.” Library Staff Research and Scholarship, January 1, 2019. 

Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


M.S.I.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
B.A., Hampshire College