Rob O’Connell
Director of Collections, Discovery & Systems

Rob O’Connell is the Director of Collections, Discovery & Systems at Smith College Libraries. He oversees various departments including Acquisitions, Cataloging, Electronic Resources and Serials, Discovery and Systems, Web Services, and additional Cataloging functions.
Rob manages the daily operations of the library’s discovery layer and metadata tools and is responsible for the library’s material budget. His role also includes managing the library’s infrastructure, focusing on practical support for the digital environment.
In addition to these tasks, Rob handles aspects related to the digital library and is the point person for the three college COMPASS project.
Collection Development Team, Smith College Discovery Team, Libraries’ Leadership Team, Collection Development Strategies Working Group
O’Connell, Rob. “Beyond the Bento: A New Discovery Experience at Smith College.” Computers in Libraries Vol. 32 no. 2 (March 2019),