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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Please use main entrance only to enter the building.

Hours for Spring Break

The Libraries hours are reduced for spring recess, March 14-23. For details, see Hours

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Esther Roth-Katz

Social Sciences Librarian and Learning Commons Program Manager

Esther Roth-Katz


Neilson Library 108E

Esther is a member of the Learning, Research & Technology group. She works closely with faculty to develop research workshops to support academic departments in the social sciences. She provides reference and research support for students, faculty and staff. Esther selects library materials for her subject areas.

Esther collaborates with campus partners to coordinate programs in the Neilson Library Learning Commons. The Learning Commons is a student-centered space, focused on providing opportunities for students to thrive in their scholarship by receiving personalized attention for learning through peer tutoring, workshops, study groups, and other programs.


Teaching Team, Collection Development Policy and Procedures Working Group

Publications & Presentations

Roth-Katz, Esther. “One Step at a Time: Integrating the Companion Document to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Social Work into an Existing Instruction Program.” College & Research Libraries News 83, no. 6 (2022).

Roth-Katz, Esther. "Zooming Through Summer: Adapting a Successful Orientation & Instruction Program for Remote Learning." Lightning Talk, Teach Talks @ Williams Libraries, Virtual, January 2021.

Roth-Katz, Esther. “Connecting Across Classes: Creating a Shared Learning Outcome for Library Instruction of First-Year Seminars.” Lightning Talk, Five College Innovative Learning Symposium, Hadley, MA, January 2020.

Roth-Katz, Esther. “Mary Cassatt: An American Impressionist in Paris.” ARLIS/NA Reviews, Art Library Society of North America (March 2019).

Roth-Katz, Esther. “‘Google Ain’t Bad:’ Teaching at the Intersection of Health, Information, and Media Literacies.” breakout session at New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) Annual Program, Portland Maine, June 8, 2018.

Roth-Katz, Esther. “RISS Review: Arts:Search.” Review of Arts:Search. Multimedia & Technology Reviews, Art Library Society of North America, August 2014.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.


M.L.S., Indiana University Bloomington
M.A., History of Art, Indiana University Bloomington
B.A., Hampshire College

Subject Specialties

Africana Studies
Education & Child Study
Jewish Studies
Social Work
Study of Women, Gender & Sexuality