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Alumnae Gym open for use beginning Monday, March 24

Please use main entrance only to enter the building.

Hours for Spring Break

The Libraries hours are reduced for spring recess, March 14-23. For details, see Hours

Geothermal Work Outside Neilson Library Through May 9

Neilson's main entrance, two south entrances, and Neilson Drive remain available for use.

Anne Drury

Access Services Evening Supervisor, Neilson Library


Neilson Library 004

Anne oversees access services and other library functions during the evening hours at Neilson Library. She is responsible for ensuring quality access service, supporting student workers, and handling any other issues that might arise during the late hours. She is the main point of contact at night and spends most of her time at the Central Service Point (CSP) on the ground floor of Neilson.

Anne has an extensive library background, having worked at state, academic and public libraries. She is a lifelong resident of Hatfield, home of Sophia Smith. Outside of the library, she enjoys reading, music, watching local sports, taking walks, summer vacations in Maine, and trips to Texas to visit family.

Office Hours

Sunday to Thursday 3:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m.


M.S.L.I.S., Simmons University, B.S., Westfield State University