Hannah Desrosiers

Tell us your Smith College Libraries story.
I was looking for a work study job after taking a gap year during the pandemic and I saw Josten was hiring! I hadn't spent much time there as a first year but it had always intrigued me because of its unique architecture, and I'm also a dancer and a musician, so I thought perhaps it would be a good fit. I was definitely right!
Outside of the Libraries, what are your interests and hobbies?
I'm a musician (piano, electric bass, flute) and a writer. I love stories/good storytelling in any format. I'm really into language learning and have taken classes in three different languages during my time at Smith. Recently I've been getting into audio editing as well, and I love experimenting in the kitchen. The world is my oyster.
I also do change ringing, which is basically the art of ringing large bells in cool patterns (you may have heard us practicing on Green Street). Smith has one of the only change ringing bell towers in the country, which is so cool! We have a really great community of people who ring at Smith and always welcome new members :)
If you know, what is next for you after graduating from Smith?
I'm going to enjoy one final summer vacation visiting my friends wherever they end up, and then move to Boston for a few years before applying to PhD programs in clinical psychology.
If you could impart one piece of advice to incoming first year students, what would it be?
Look at the bulletin boards around campus! Seriously, just go to events/lectures/performances that look interesting, even if they're not related to your classes or usual interests. Take advantage of having so many things to engage with right here in the place where you're living. As Smith students, we have access to so much free art, music, dance and theater. Enjoy it! Also - read random books you find on the library shelves. They're there to be read and they're not getting enough action these days!